Earth Day 2014! Townsend Leather once again celebrated our love of the earth! We had to work around some inclement weather and very busy schedules, so it was just a bit late, but we once again celebrated our… Full Aritcle April 29, 2014
The Beauty of Hair-On Hides - Product Spotlight There is nothing quite like the statement made by a beautiful Hair-On hide. Townsend offers a variety of hair-on options, and we felt it was time to give this stunning beauty a spotlight of… Full Aritcle April 23, 2014
HD & EBACE Sneak Peak In only about a month Townsend will be out and about across the world and across industries at two of the design world’s biggest tradeshows, the HD Expo in Las Vegas and EBACE in Geneva,… Full Aritcle April 16, 2014
HI Connect Design Townsend Leather just returned from a fantastic time in Nashville, Tennessee. In a flurry of stunning design, Townsend loved being a part of the HI Connect Design show. HI Connect The show… Full Aritcle April 08, 2014
"The Power of Zero" Leader Herald Article New York State is changing tax laws to make the state even more appealing to current and new business. Local newspaper, The Leader Herald, took some time last week to visit with Townsend… Full Aritcle April 08, 2014
Thinking Spring, Thinking Tropical It is officially Spring and even though there is still snow on he ground and the cold weather is hanging on, everyone at Townsend is happily ‘thinking spring’. The masters have been… Full Aritcle March 26, 2014
Cabin Fever Party 2014 Townsend Leather celebrated our second annual Cabin Fever party this past weekend, and it was all around great. It has been a long cold winter, and even though winter has not yet loosened its… Full Aritcle March 18, 2014