Townsend Leather Rocks!
2015 was yet another incredible year for Townsend Leather and all our Partners!
This year was full of new products, exciting projects, and tons of fun. One of the fun things we just finished up was our annual Townsend Leather calendar.
Many of our friends and customers will soon be receiving our ever popular annual gift calendar. We craft these calendars each year to be a piece of Townsend functional art you can have at your desk. We always aim to do something different with the calendar, and this year has been an especially interesting one. It is proving to be one of our most popular calendars yet! So if you don’t see one from your Townsend rep or in your mailbox in the next couple weeks, get your request for one in soon!
They will go fast!
Our calendar features beautiful Townsend Leather product photos, and since 2015 was such a rockin’ good year for Townsend – each month has a “grit-inspiring” song suggestion, to rock out to throughout the month.
Our calendar is held together (and can be held to the wall) with a special Townsend pin, but we are loving to see all the creative ways that folks are designing to display their calendar! When you get yours, make sure to send us a pic of how you use it!

Share your pics on Facebook, or to and show off the ways you display your highly-sought after desk jewelry, that is the 2016 Townsend Leather Calendar!
As our President Jared Eckler has been talking about all year, and on the calendar, this year was full of grit. Grit in strength, in patience, in passion. It has been a year full of new products, exciting developments, new hires, fun times, and lots of meaningful memories.
Here is a brief look at just a handful of memories from our year.
We like to say that this year was really rocking, and so as you can scroll through these pics – treat them as if they are a rockin’ playlist of memories and it is playing on shuffle, just a few randomly chosen pics to reflect on.

We are so grateful for the year we were able to enjoy and celebrate together. We are sad to see 2015 come to an end, but we are eagerly welcoming 2016 with open arms knowing it will be a continuation of our incredible time together. Thank you for being a part of Townsend Leather’s 2015, we hope you had as much joy and success as we did.
“In the spirit of celebrating the Grit shown by all of Townsend, its suppliers, and its customers throughout 2015, I’ve compiled below some music that evokes the Grit factor I’ve seen in action.
This year, here at Townsend, we’ve shared with each other some songs that exemplify Grit – that dogged dedication and endurance – through CD’s. I’ve made no secret of my love for music and of finding inspiration through the words and melodies of songs , and I know many of you feel the same way.
We all take inspiration from special songs that give us goosebumps, that get us pumped up, and that especially speak to the spirit of sticking to it and fighting the good fight… and most of all, not giving up! On the back of each month of the year on our 2016 Townsend Leather calendar, we are featuring a song and selected lyrics that we found particularly moving and that resound with our “Grit” theme.
I hope you enjoy the musical journey throughout the year ahead and that these songs move you like they have us. Quite literally, we are saying, we rock, and so do you! We hope you have seen the fruits of your own Grit-filled labor in 2015 and wish you a truly rocking 2016!”
– Jared Eckler
Townsend Leather President
As a prize for making it all the way to the end of this post, we invite you to enjoy this Townsend Leather Uptown Funk Music Video, made of and for our Townsend Leather Partners. It was a silly fun time, that ended up making lots of laughs and memories for us, We hope you enjoy it!
Artist: Mark Ronson
Featured artist: Bruno Mars
Album: Uptown Special
Released: 2015
Thank you to all Townsend Partners, customers, reps, friends, and fans.
Cheers to an incredible 2015 and an even better 2016!