Qilin Visit

Last week Townsend was very pleased to have a visit from our Shanghai representative team, Qilin.

Shown here with some of our Townsend team are Bensom, Mr. Wu, and Nina.

Nina and the team got to get in depth look at many of the new products and process happen all around Townsend and got to spend time with many of the employees.  They were very impressed with everything that saw and all the people they met.  They are really a part of the Townsend family and have done, and will continue to do, great things for Townsend.

Thank you for your time Qilin Team, Townsend is proud of our relationship together and looking forward to many more great years.

Qilin and Townsend Leather (1024x442)

Get in touch with Nina and the Qilin Team on our Find A Rep page



Nina Ding
Qilin Fabric Co., Ltd.
Phone: +86 021 50813995
Fax: +86 021 64335783