Townsend Leather’s 50th CelebREPtion!

As you have heard by now, Townsend Leather is celebrating our 50th Anniversary/Birthday this year and all year long we will be highlighting our tag line of fifty years of passionate care for leather, those who craft it, and those who love it.

On September 6th, 2019 we are celebrating with a Townsend Leather’s 50th Anniversary Community Fest. We will host a community focused party that will reminisce of Townsend’s past 50 years as well as celebrate the grand opening of our newest building “The Stitch” and look forward to new growth. But that’s not all! We would also like to spend this time, throughout the week, giving dedicated attention to YOU our famed and loved Townsend Leather Sales Reps as well as events, trainings, and group activities that will help us all succeed together in the years to come!
Join us for the party on September 6th, in Johnstown, NY. But we ask, that you also plan to spend some time here, before or after the party to get reacquainted with our craftspeople, see what is new, ask questions, get a tour, delve into training, swap stories, give feedback, get to know and learn from other reps around the globe!
To accommodate a world-wide network of dedicated Sales Reps who all have busy schedules, commitments, and travel schedules – we are offering two Rep Tracks.
TRACK A – September 4th to September 7th
TRACK B – September 6th to September 10th
Both tracks will cover time for tours, training, talking and much more! Of course, you may stay longer then suggested on either track, but we have planned these track dates as a way to ensure that you get to attend the Anniversary Fest and spend at least two other days at Townsend.
Townsend Leather will cover the costs of Lodging and Meals, you find your way here – we will take care of the rest! :)
Check back here soon for more details.
Contact Alison or Sarah with questions.
RSVP Below and choose your track.
Select one: