Your "joy" billboard worked! Definitely brought me joy, lol!
Thank You Notes

Townsend Leather Partners, Customer, Friends, Families, and Fans have so much to be thankful for. See just a few of the messages of gratitude below, and whenever you feel inspired to spread joy and smiles and good vibes and good feels out into the world through messages of ‘thanks’, you can add yours to the list through the simple form. You can leave off your name and info and just submit anonymously if you like, we just want to gather messages of thanks, from near and far.
Thank YOU for doing this. Thank YOU for expressing your thanks and gratitude. Thank YOU for taking one minute to share.
58 entries.
I saw that you helped give gifts to Johsntown school kids who need them. That is incredible. you all have such big hearts.
This place and all the people at it bring me such joy! Thanks for being great!
Holy crap what a great place!
Just saw this billboard and it made me smile. Glad places like Townsend Leather are in our community.
Keep up the good work! Love working with such a dependable company - always professional !
I am thankful to work with such a committed team, from customer service, quality to the owner. I always feel we are listen. Townsend team is always willing to improve when we have any kind of requests or suggestions.
We appreciate that you are made in the U.S.A, and can usually get orders out quickly for us that meet our customer's expectations.
I am thankful to work with such a committed team at Townsend, from quality, customer service up to Jared. Thank you for always want to to better for your customers. I appreciate it.
I love being part of this area's legacy. Having my hand in leather, just like so many people before us, being part of that story feels cool.
I love being able to tell everyone I know that we have made leather for Vanilla Ice
There is not place like Townsend because our people make each day the best it can be by being excellent to each other Every. Single. Day
It feels like a shared vision here. Everyone together, working toward something special. You get to be yourself and at the same time be part of something, that is something I love.
I love that everyday I get to do and learn new things. The people here are so willing to talk about what they do, and it makes me want to try my hand in every department. And the whole workplace culture is wonderful. Management listens when I have a problem and they work quickly to remedy it.
I love being able to see and handle all of the beautiful leathers that are made here. I am coming up on my 28th Anniversary and so thankful that I have been able to be a part of this company for so long!! I also love the love and appreciation I get from my boss! A true family!
I love getting to work with beautiful leathers everyday! There are so many different kinds
After working a few thankless jobs over the past 15 years, coming to Townsend was literally hitting the "job-jackpot" My mentors and supporters here have helped me grow not only In my career, but in life as well. I love being a part of such a great company.
I am thankful for not being "just a number" in an oddly fun and chaotic workplace, but to be a "Partner" in something much larger...A Family. A Family that takes care of each other and jumps in when necessary.
Everyday I get to spend time with people I love and get my hands onto something awesome. It feels great.
i love feeling part of something
I love making leather!
I love how much of a family Townsend is - we make the best of everything. Having such driven and dedicated partners make you want to excel at whatever you're doing! The different personalities and cultures make for an interesting day, everyday :)
I love how familiar everyone is with each other. We all know each others personalities, likes and even dislikes. LOL We really are like a close family! I feel very comfortable at my job EVERY day!
It might not be easy at times but the one thing is we are treated like family. We come in and work as a team everyday, through the good and the bad we have fun, laugh, joke around with one another while creating beautiful leather and being proud of what we make.
I love who I work with. This team is the f'n best!
Something I love about my job is the feeling that my work matters. I have input and a voice and am part of something.
Thank you for always sharing videos and photos of your teams spreading joy and appreciation. Townsend is setting the standard on driving creativity through adversity. Thank you for the "thank you"s. :)
I am thankful for our industry and thankful for the creativity behind the wonderful and thoughtful Townsend Leather "thank you" video - your creativity is inspiring and more importantly, I am reminded of how important the word "thank you" truly is. Thank you!!!!!
hang in there!
For all our partners and their families safety through this year!! We have been through tough economic times before but never mixed with matters of life and death and uncertainty around health and our livelihood! Together we have made the best of a year Where that takes work! Thankful for the business and opportunities we do have and thankful for all our partners that help us capture and excel at them!!
I am thankful to be connected to such heart-filled people, as Townsend Leather, who come together to help each other through tough times
I am thankful for waking up everyday to be able to enjoy what our lives have, awesome family and friends 😍
Obviously, thankful for good health during this COV19 but also for the friendships I developed with co-workers, my associates throughout the world and the designers that I've had the pleasure of assisting on projects.
Thank you to all our customers redoing and updating their showrooms and workrooms with Townsend Leather. Our sample dept. loves to be kept busy with making samples for your use! Keep the requests coming!
Having a job at Townsend
Feeling thankful to have most of our workforce back and to be making beautiful
leather for customers around the world here in Johnstown, New York.
I am thankful for a safe and comfortable place to work and the kind people I get to work with
Thankful and so blessed to live this beautiful life surrounded by amazing family, friends, and doggos! ❤️
Thank you Townsend Partners for having such heart and passion in all you do.
Thank you to all our customers who engage with Townsend Leather and incorporate our leathers into their designs. You are the reason we get to do what we love!
Thank you Townsend for all the hard work that you put into your product and making it beautiful for our projects.
I love the fall, especially because of NBAA. The months and time we anxiously and excitedly prepare for NBAA is like the feeling as a kid on Christmas Eve. The anticipation and inspiration felt from this show and our customers is something to look forward to the entire year!
I love the personal relationships that I have developed with our customers, throughout industries. I know about their personal lives and things that are important to them; not just about our work together.
I love when a customer challenges us by asking for something we have never done on leather. Challenge accepted!
Thank you to all the essential workers that have worked tirelessly to keep so many others safe.
Thank you ice cream, for existing.
I am thankful for sunlight.
Thank you Jared Eckler for being the best leader and role model I’ve had the honor of working for. Thank you for believing in every one of us. Much love for you and the entire Kucel Family
Thank you to all our partners for being so willing to do whatever it takes for our leather and for each other.
“Hire great people and give them freedom to be awesome.”
I'm thankful for my family, health and Townsend Leather!
Thank you to all who bought 50/50 tickets today to support Roy! We really have the most generous people! :)
Thank you Townsend for creating such beauty
For the generosity towards helping Roy M. Willis - thank you so much to all! Rachel Hidde and Danielle M. Intelisano told me everyone is really helping out!
Thank you for the everyday motivation of becoming better
to Pamela Goldswer and to all the new partners on our team the past month or two of new partners has me so excited for our future! I’m always inspired to do all I can for us to be successful but with such a great influx of great new partners it makes me doubly want to push all opportunities I and we can to reach an even greater potential we have!
Thank you, Townsend, for accepting me and believing in me.
Thank you Townsend Leather for 50 years of positive action in our Glove Cities community.
Thank you to all Townsend Partners for making it such a joy to work every day.