Designer Showcase Guidelines


Our Designer Showcase page will give a prominent focus to your work through photos and writing. Just provide us with some details about your project and any photos that you have, then we pull it all together and place it on our beautifully-designed webpage for the world to enjoy.

Similar to a blog, but always relevant, the Designer Showcase features inspirational and creative work submitted by designers around the globe. These original works, which were selected by our review committee, represent some of the most innovative and varied uses of leather.

When you click on the image/post you are interested in, you get to see the full size images and read all the details.  Of course, you will be given the chance to approve your images and information. After Townsend has collected everything we need for the Designer Showcase post, we will put together a quick mock-up of how the post will look. We send this mock-up out for approval to you and then post it to our Designer Showcase page. We know you can provide something stellar that will really stand out as a featured design.

We just have a couple easy questions to start things off.

  1. What project would you like to share with the world?

a.  When and where did this project occur?

b.  Give us a little of the story or background of the project

2.  Tell us a little about yourself

a.  Your name, company, location, brief bio

We will take your answers and write up a brief posting to showcase on our website. We will contact you for more information if we have further questions.

We would love to show off some photos of your project submission, so please send along any images that we can post, to us at

The Townsend Leather Designer Showcase is sure to be an exciting and popular web-destination. We are truly looking forward to the wide variety and interesting projects that get submitted and eventually make their way to the page.

If you have any questions or concerns about the new Townsend Leather website or the Designer Showcase contact us at
